Quality is not merely an obligation at Laxcon Steels rather it is an aspect of the company that constitutes the foundation of its enduring reputation.

Our unwavering commitment to delivering uncompromising quality and focus on precision determine our approaches across manufacturing processes, systems, and protocols.

Intensive quality checks, modern production methods and continuous process perfection ensure optimum and above standard quality parameters performed by the quality control personnel include the following:

  • Metallographic testing with an Image analyzer system
  • Mechanical testing
  • Metallography testing
  • Impact testing
  • Corrosion testing
  • Radiation contamination testing
  • Magnetic Particle, Ultrasonic, LPT
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Inspection Facilities


We exercise stringent inspection and quality controls during the manufacturing of our entire product range. Constant checks are done by our metallurgists and samples are taken during the pouring of ingots for comprehensive chemical analyses directly from the ladle. Our inspection facility houses all the latest tools and equipment for minute inspection to ensure nothing but excellence in our products on all parameters.

  • Optical Emission Spectrometers
  • Leco Gas Analyzer for H2,O2,N2
  • Carbon apparatus, Rad Eye meter for checking radiation contamination.
  • Mobile Handheld Spectrometers
  • State of the Art NABL Accredited Testing Laboratory
  • Ultrasonic NABL Accredited Testing
  • Brinell Hardness Testing (NABL)
  • Rockwell Hardness Testing (NABL)
  • Digital Hardness Tester
  • Impact Testing Machine (NABL) Assisted with Notch Broaching & Profile Projector
  • Optical Microscope for Determination of Microstructure / Grain Size / Defect Depth / Delta Ferrite Measurement, Non-Metallic
  • Inclusion Rating, Decarburization
  • Universal Testing Machine for Testing Tensile Strength / % Elongation / % Reduction in C/S Area
  • Eddy Current Testing Machine


We, at Laxcon Steels, always consider safety a prime concern, be it the safety of employees, equipment, or environment.

The health and safety of employees is of paramount importance as it has a very close relation with both economic and social factors. We believe that a healthy, accident-free, and safe work environment not only contributes to the company’s overall competitiveness but also ensures profit growth. We provide our employees with the safest possible physical working conditions while making everyone aware about the safety protocols.

We have adopted ways to implement safety across our plants through the following:

  • Identification of potential hazards
  • Assessment of risks
  • Establishment of physical protection mechanism
  • Development of safe systems of work
  • Timely safety audit procedures
  • Provision of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Accident-prevention committees
  • Employees’ safety representatives
  • Safety incentives
  • Suggestion and feedback exercises.
  • Slogans and warning notices.



Laxcon Steels Limited

C-55/2, Wazirpur Industrial Area, New Delhi – 110052, India

Group Companies